N7117V is a 1974 M20C Ranger that has been owned and operated by members of NRV Flyers for more than 10 years. The Ranger is the final short-bodied Mooney, powered by a 180hp Lycoming O360 A1D. Unlike earlier Mooneys, the Ranger is equipped with electric gear, flaps, and a standard panel configuration. Upgrades to 7117V include a J-model cowl, windscreen, and wingtips. The panel currently includes a WAAS enabled GNS530, KX155 nav/com, GTX-345 Transponder (ADS-B In/Out), and Insight G2 engine monitor. The Brittain Wing Leveler can track Nav 1 or Nav 2, but an 2-axis autopilot is high on our list of future upgrades. Recent major maintenance includes fuel tank strip/reseal in 2015, new Hartzell Scimitar prop in 2017, and engine overhaul in 2013. We flight plan for 145 kts on 9-10 gallons per hour